Elate Technology offers specialized MySQL DBA support with experienced professionals dedicated to this database environment for your organization's assistance.

Elate Technology's MySQL DBAs, whether managing small-scale operations or high-volume environments of several terabytes, possess the expertise to ensure smooth operations. Led by a U.S.-based Primary MySQL DBA, the support team operates 24x7, offering custom solutions tailored to your operational challenges, making Elate Technology the preferred source for MySQL database support with a proven delivery model and industry-leading expertise.

Database administration services for MySQL provided by Elate Technology.

Elate Technology offers tailored DBA services to enhance your IT investments, ensuring improved efficiency, cost reduction, and critical data protection. Our services can be customized to supplement your existing staff, tackle special projects, or provide comprehensive MySQL as a Service support, aiming for a better return on your IT investments.

   Database Development for Oracle MySQL, Percona MySQL & MariaDB

   Support for Database Architecture

   Optimizing Performance & Database Optimization

   Solutions for High Availability (HA)

   Scalable and Reliable Clustering Solutions

   Implementing Database Backups

   Troubleshooting and Resolving Database Problems

   Executing Database Upgrades & Cloud Migrations

   Providing Disaster Recovery (DR) Solutions

   Automation of Database Operations

   Auditing and Securing Database Systems

   Supporting Managed Services for your Database Systems

   Implementing Database Change Control Processes

   MySQL Projects and Development

   Implementing Monitoring Solutions

   Migrating from Enterprise Databases to MySQL

   Ensuring MySQL FISMA / FERPA / PCI / HIPAA / PPI / SOX Compliance

   Implementing MySQL Data Encryption

   Implementing MySQL SSL

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Products and Technologies Supported for MySQL & MariaDB

Our commitment is to accommodate a diverse array of client needs, and we aim to provide comprehensive support for a broad spectrum of requirements. Our specialized database administrators are equipped to assist with various MySQL and MariaDB technologies and projects, ensuring a wide range of support capabilities.

MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7/8.0x (support for both Enterprise and Community versions)

MySQL InnoDB Cluster

Amazon RDS/Aurora

Percona MySQL

Percona XtraDB Cluster

MariaDB (product suite for both open source community & enterprise)

MariaDB 10x (support on-premise or cloud)

MariaDB on Amazon EC2 & Amazon RDS

MariaDB Galera Cluster (supports InnoDB, Aria, Spider, MyRocks, TokuDB)

MariaDB Columnar storage

MariaDB MaxScale

Galera Cluster with MySQL

MySQL Storage Engines (MyISAM, InnoDB, XtraDB, TokuDB, and more)

Loadbalancer: ProxySQL, HAProxy

NoSQL with MySQL

MySQL Replication (Primary/Replica, Multi-Primary, Clustering Solutions)

MySQL + Memcache

MySQL NDB Cluster

MySQL plays a crucial role in numerous mission-critical systems. The information stored in a MySQL database demands top-notch protection, and the performance of the database impacts everything from customer experience to informed business decision-making.

To enhance your MySQL operational goals and ensure the utmost protection for your data, fill out the form on this page. Discover how Elate Technology can assist you in optimizing your MySQL operations for the best possible outcomes.

Additional Resources

Highlighting the 6 Key Features in MySQL 8.0

Oracle introduced MySQL 8.0 in April 2018, introducing a plethora of new features. For enthusiasts of NoSQL databases, there's no longer a need to transition to a non-relational database. MySQL 8.0 now provides a robust alternative within the relational database paradigm.

MariaDB vs Oracle MySQL vs Percona MySQL

MariaDB, Oracle MySQL, and Percona MySQL provide various alternatives for implementing MySQL within your organization. Each of these options has its own strengths and weaknesses, making the optimal choice for your specific use cases potentially distinct from another company's preference. Let's delve into a comparative analysis of these options to help you make an informed decision based on your unique requirements.

High Availability & Scalability with MySQL Solution Brings Bright Smiles to Two Dental Organizations

Two U.S.-based dental organizations sought assistance from Elate Technology in implementing a high-availability (HA) Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system using MySQL database systems. The objective was to support their Dental Practice Management System (PMS) with a configuration tailored to ensure robust performance and accommodate high transaction throughput.

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